Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reliability & Responsibilty

What does it mean to be reliable? Looking at the definition in The New Oxford American Dictionary, it is defined as "consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted." Another source has the following definition: "can be depended on with confident certainty." My father defines it as "someone who will maintain correspondence." No matter what, being reliable seems to be a quality that people would want to have and maintain.
For a long time I always considered myself reliable. If friends or family needed to talk or needed company for an adventure, I typically made myself available and invested my time and energy into their needs. If I had messages from people online, I would swiftly return an answer, growing confident in my reliability. I would often joke that I was much better at listening and caring about other people's issues than my own.
Once spring hit this year, though, something changed and I can't quite put a finger on it. Between school, work, and numerous other activities, I slowly stopped being reliable. I didn't frequently keep in contact with my friends and acquaintances, or my family. I'm not sure if selfishness or apathy played major roles, but they did play some sort of role. I was overwhelmed and just withdrew into my shell. I think I finally made this realization around my birthday because I didn't get a card from my partly estranged grandma and a friend of mine pretty much told me in no uncertain terms that she could no longer count on me. I am not typing out these issues to gain pity, but for you all to learn from my perspective. I reacted to each of these situations in different manners. I took responsibility for my lack of contact with my friend, but I resented my grandma...that is until I started thinking things over this weekend.
I don't want to get into the details, but for quick background, last summer I visited my grandma for the first time in 12 years. It was by no means perfect, but it was a decent visit overall. Turns out she is not a Christian and doesn't really want anything to do with my family now that she is aware how seriously we take our faith. This of course hurts, but I was wondering why I was so resentful towards her for not keeping in touch because it's not like we were ever close. Once I put everything under the microscope, though, I came to realize that I was never a reliable granddaughter and I needed to take responsibility for that. I was busy blaming her for not sending my family a Christmas card or me a birthday card when I can't even remember the last time I sent her a card or a letter myself. My anger was displaced onto her when I think deep down I was angry with myself for not noticing that I was at the root of the cause of the cutoff communication. There are other factors that weigh in, but I do need to finally accept that this is just the way this situation turned out and part of the blame rests on my shoulders. The entire situation must be analyzed and critiqued, not just a small portion that makes me appear innocent.
Some of you might be wondering what the point of this post really is, and truthfully, so am I. Part of it is to remind everybody that humans are flawed and can't always be trusted. This differs greatly from the Almighty God. 1 Corinthians 1:9 says, "God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." Humanity will always fall short in the realm of reliability when compared to God, so we must always turn to Him in times of great trials.
The other point I wanted to make with this post is that you should always completely dissect a situation, even if it brings to light that you are at fault. In order to get past some of the resentment I had towards my grandma for her lack of correspondence was to finally realize that I am on equal ground with her when it comes to being reliable with writing letters. I still have a lot to learn and will continue to seek God's guidance in trying to understand the situation, but at least I have released a bit of my resentment. Hopefully I will completely forgive in the future, but until then, I will remember that God is the only One I can always count on and He can always be deemed reliable.

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