Thursday, March 28, 2013

When Truth is No Longer Accepted

Currently, there are numerous debates in the news between what is right and wrong. Many of these discussions focus on the "rights" of Americans and what should be regulated by the government. Everybody seems to have an opinion, and those with opposing viewpoints call their opponents narrow-minded or insensitive and immediately "lose respect" for anybody who refuses to be openminded enough to share their opponent's viewpoint or beliefs. I wish people would take a second to actually sit down and listen to one another, rather than hurling insults and opting to shutdown to alternative thoughts on matters. Accusations won't get people anywhere, and closing off lines of communication just because somebody has a different opinion is childish.
Part of the problem is that the modern world has lax discipline, which makes it difficult to convey definitive rights and wrongs to people. Sure, I could sit down with somebody and explain why they need a Savior, but if they don't believe they have ever done anything wrong and believe they are generally a "good" person, they will never accept Jesus into their hearts or believe in the teachings of Christianity. This is what happens when relativism seeps into the belief system of the majority. The defined lines between right and wrong get lost in the murky mire of personal beliefs. Along with that, too often Christians don't want to offend others, so they sway away from the definitive truths outlined by God in the Bible. Rather than accept God's authority on all matters, some opt to just let people be happy as long as it doesn't impact them. When this happens, it reflects what was expressed in Isaiah 26:10, which says, "If favor is shown to the wicked, he does not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he deals corruptly and does not see the majesty of the Lord." This is why discipline and teaching ones children is so important. If parents opt to be friends with their kids instead of having authority and disciplining them for their actions when necessary, they will never learn that certain actions are in fact wrong. Proverbs 22:6 expresses the importance of discipline by stating, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
What's unfortunate is that the typical response to a Christian trying to convey biblical truth is calling them hateful bigots who don't love their fellow man and are trying to shove their beliefs down other's throats. It's often misconstrued as Bible-thumping because nonbelievers do not understand that Christians answer to God, not our fellow man. In Matthew 28:20, God calls us to "teach them all that I have commanded you." Not all of humanity acknowledges the authority of God and the truth He speaks, which causes friction. I understand that, but if we show favor to those who are in the wrong, they will never understand or accept the truth. Allowing someone to continue on in their sin without acknowledging the eternal consequences in the opposite of love. I know it is not my job to judge those outside the church (1 Corinthians 5:12), but it is my duty to expose the darkness in the world, as per Ephesians 5:11, which says, "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." I myself struggle with ways to do this in a loving manner, but I know in my heart that speaking the truth in love is more important than gaining favor with man. I must pray for courage to talk to people and ask the Holy Spirit for the words to express my concerns to people in my life. I doubt this will happen overnight, but my hope is that I will be emboldened by the Spirit to speak the truth in love.
I must remember that there are only two options after death: eternal life and eternal condemnation. Reading Galatians 6:8, which states, "For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life," illuminates that fact, which should serve as my motivator to sow seeds to be watered in the hopes that Christ will pluck them out of the darkness. I cannot just sit back and rest on my laurels, not expressing my concern to those living lives contrary to truth just because they feel it is right. I must be willing to take a chance and express the truth in love. It may cause some riffs and I might lose favor with some, but it's a chance I must be willing to take. You never know who just needs to hear the Gospel in a new light. God can soften hearts in those you least expect it, so trust the Holy Spirit to guide you. I will do my best to do the same. The least we can do is try in these dark times so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to accept Christ in their hearts and have eternal life.

If you have any interest in reading another post based on relativism's impact, feel free to read The Prevailing Age of Skepticism and Moral Degradation

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